Thursday, July 14, 2005

PM of Day One Respite Care

I sent the following email:

Never mind what I said about not complaining.

The evening care manager on the 3rd floor was asleep from at least 7:30 to 7:50 p.m.. Sound asleep. I said, "Excuse me" a couple of times and she didn't awaken. Finally, I touched her arm to awaken her. She mumbled something about being on her break. Before that she was on her cell phone. Wonder what that was?

Mother is begging me to come home, of course. It is killing me. I'll try one more day, but I may have to take her out of there. I was very much bothered by the sleeping care manager.


The sleeper was fired, but I couldn't feel good about it. In the meantime, I decided that I needed to decompress big time. I said I would be coming to visit, but I decided to stay away for a couple of days. I needed to spend the time on work projects.


I wrote:

Thank you. I know my intrusion yesterday morning was a rude welcome back from your weekend. I don't like to be responsible for someone losing a job, in part because the replacement may end up worse and that really scares me!

I know you well enough to know that you do have high care standards and I really want to have confidence in (the company). It may take a little while for me to get my confidence in (the company) back, but I'm trying to act like a grown-up.

P. S. I'm trying to stay away so that Mother's acclimation can work. I'll drop by very briefly this evening on my way to a meeting. Of course, she begs me to take her and that KILLS me. I am shocked at how much it hurts. I've always been an independent cuss and her importance in my life is shocking to me.


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